Rasana Tongue Cleaner – Tungeskraper
Rustfritt stål renser skånsomt og effektivt. Fjerner bakterier på tungen for frisk pust. Inkluderer liten reisepose i lin.
Gi meg beskjed når produktet er tilbake!
Oh yes! Godkjent av oss 🌱
Bad Breath Begone
“Simply and ingeniously designed”
– Goop
Rensing av tungen har vært grunnleggende i Ayurvedisk medisin (“Rasana” betyr tunge på Sanskrit) fra gammelt av. Moderne vitenskap har bekreftet at majoriteten av bakteriene som er ansvarlig for dårlig ånde (80-90%), holder til på tungen.
BOKA er her for å hjelpe! Deres kurvede design i rustfritt stål er både skånsom og effektiv. Hvis du er som oss, så fort du prøver rensing av tungen, vil du kjapt begynne å lure på hva du skulle gjort uten.
We’ve been using the same oral care products without asking for the same accountability we ask for in our foods and skincare products. And while some natural brands tell us what not to use, they don’t offer ingredients backed by science to heal our mouths. We’re setting out to change that because the mouth is too critical to whole body health to ignore.
We all now understand that sleep, diet and exercise are essential to wellness. Yet the mouth is the number one source of disease in the body and a huge source of chronic inflammation in many people. Those inflammation and bacteria cells not only wreak havoc on your immune system, but have also been linked to systemic diseases, like Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, and Alzheimer’s.
We believe in making more effective products with safer ingredients to have a positive impact on preventive health.
You just need to brush for two minutes twice a day and floss every day.
Our mission is to cut through the confusion and reveal how simple oral health care can really be with the right products.